With more than 2 billion people professing to be Christians, it’s the largest religion in the world. In the United States, according to Lifeway Research, 80 percent of adults believe that Jesus is the Son of God. While 20 percent, either is not sure or denies that Jesus is the Son of God. People can reject the idea of Jesus being the Son of God for various reasons.
The following are some reasons why some people don’t believe in Jesus:
1. They don’t like what Christians stand for: Many people are turned off by the views and values of Christianity that are often seen as outdated, irrelevant, or oppressive.
2. They have been hurt by Christians and Christian leaders: Some people have had bad experiences with Christian leaders or followers that have left a negative impression on them. When someone who claims to follow Jesus does something that does not line up with the teachings of the Bible, it can be a turn-off to non-believers.
3. They think that science disproves Christianity: Many believe that science has all the answers, and that Christianity is not compatible with scientific discoveries.
4. They have questions that have not been answered: Some may be questioning the existence of God or other aspects of faith that they feel they have yet to get an adequate response to.
5. They think that Christianity is not relevant: To some, it can seem like Christianity has no place in modern society and therefore cannot be trusted or believed.
6. They think Christianity is too exclusive: The idea that only those who believe in Jesus will receive salvation can turn some away from the faith.
7. They don’t believe in miracles: Many people find it hard to believe in something that requires them to suspend their disbelief in the realm of the impossible.
8. They find the Bible hard to understand: When looking at Scripture for answers, some can find it confusing and contradictory.
9. They’ve never heard the Gospel message: Many are simply unfamiliar with Christianity, as it is not always presented in an effective way or shared with them at all.
Believing in Jesus can bring great peace and joy to your life. Following Jesus will not take away your freedom but will give you true freedom and hope for the future. It is always possible to believe in Jesus, and the gift of eternal life is open to anyone who believes. Accepting Jesus doesn't require complicated rituals or strict rules; it simply requires faith and trust in Him.
The benefits of having faith in Jesus far outweigh any doubts or hesitations about Him. He offers us unconditional love and acceptance, even when we make mistakes. He also provides us with guidance and strength when we face difficult situations, so we don't feel alone. And when we accept His gift of salvation, we receive an eternity of abundant joy and blessings beyond anything we could ever imagine.
We enter a new life filled with purpose and meaning when we surrender to Christ. No matter how much we doubt ourselves, Jesus always believes in us and offers us hope and renewal.
Ultimately, we must each decide to believe in Jesus or reject Him. There are several potential explanations for why some people say they don’t believe in Jesus in the Bible. Some may have logical arguments and strong convictions, while others may lack an understanding of the Bible and its teachings. People may not like being accountable to God for their actions and decisions, so they reject the idea of Jesus’ existence and teachings. They may also think they can earn their way into heaven or some other destination without accepting Jesus as their savior. Others may fear what will happen after they die, so they don’t want to consider the concept of an afterlife. Regardless of the reason, it is essential to remember that everyone is allowed to have their own beliefs and opinions about Jesus and that everyone must decide how they will approach the topic of faith for themselves.
Written by Sarah James and Chandra Pettiford
Image by Johanna Thames (Chandra's Daughter 13 years old)