Throughout the history of our faith, Christian literature has supported the spiritual formation of believers around the world. The origins of this start with the Bible itself. The disciples wrote the Gospels and sparked a revolution of faith that continues to this day. Paul and others wrote the epistles, teaching and encouraging believers in the faith so they could reach higher levels of spiritual maturity. The impact of these works is undeniable. God inspired the biblical authors in a way that completely changed the world and the lives of countless individuals around the world.
While Christian literature in times since is not considered part of the Bible like the various books of the Scriptures, it still carries on that powerful legacy in the lives of so many. God has raised up and equipped authors around the world with the skills and passion necessary to spread the truth of the Gospel through the medium of writing. Reading Christian books alongside our spiritual disciplines of Bible reading and prayer can help us grow into more mature believers.
Here are some ways that Christian literature enriches our faith.
Christian Literature Helps Us Understand the Bible
The Bible contains the very words of God, guiding us through life in every way. As believers, we must read the Bible daily and apply its truth to our lives. This is how we become more like Jesus! And becoming more Christ-like is the ultimate goal of our spiritual development.
But let’s face it, sometimes the Bible can be challenging to understand! After all, it was written a long time ago in ancient languages. Yet, the truth it contains is invaluable to our lives. Through reading the Bible, God transforms us from the inside out! Romans 12:2 says, “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect” (NLT).
Various Christian books explain to us the language, context, and lessons from the Bible. These include study Bibles, commentaries, and devotionals. Making these books a part of our reading routine can enrich our faith in ways we’ve never experienced before and draw us further into the truth of the Bible.
Christian Literature Gives Us Practical Application for our Lives
While the truth of the Bible is essential for the life of every person, sometimes it can be challenging to apply it to our lives. Christian authors have written many books on a variety of relevant topics that help us to apply the Word of God to our everyday lives. This kind of Christian literature can take us from only having knowledge of God to developing a transformed life of faith shown by our actions!
Christian Literature Inspires and Motivates Us
Let’s face it: life can be tough! Being a Christian doesn’t mean receiving a free pass from the pain of this life. Remember, even Jesus Himself suffered! What our faith does give us is a new way to see the world and process the things we experience. The Bible gives us a renewed focus and perspective on life that fills us with undeniable hope for the future.
There are Christian books on every topic you could imagine. No matter what you are going through, there is a Christian book addressing that topic and providing godly inspiration to help you through it. This type of Christian literature can help us process our pain and experiences in a way that makes us stronger children of God on the other side.
Christian Literature Draws Us Closer to God
The Christian faith is all about having a personal relationship with God. The Lord is not the kind of God that is happy watching our lives from the sidelines: He desires to be an intimate part of our everyday lives!
Growing in faith means growing closer to God. Christian literature helps us to accomplish this by teaching us about God’s character, great love for us, and miraculous work in our world. The more we read, the more we learn about God, and the more we learn about God, the closer we become to Him!
Christian literature, coupled with Bible reading and prayer, can transform our lives in ways we never imagined. If we stay devoted to these spiritual practices, we can develop the kind of faith that impacts our lives, families, communities, and even the world. Start a regular practice of reading Christian literature that aids you in your spiritual development and watch your faith soar!